Puntland oo raadinaysa nabadoono iy cuqaal ka horyimid go’aanka madaxweyne Deni uu xiriirka ugu jaray DFS

 Khamiis, April, 25, 2024 (AX) - Hay'adaha amniga ee maamulka Puntland ayaa raadinaya nabadoono iyo cuqaal ku sugan magalada Boosaaso, kuwaas oo maalmo ka hor saxaafadda ka sheegay in ay kasoo horjeedaan go’aanka ay Puntland ku sheegtay in u dhaqmayso sida dowlad madax bannaan. Dadka la raadinayo  waxaa kamid ah, afhayeenka nabadoonada gobolka Bari, Nabadoon Cabdiqaadir Yuusuf Xarago oo kamid ah dadka kasoo horjeeda siyaasadda madaxweyne Deni ee dowladda federaalka.Nabadoon Xarago ayaa dhawaan sheegay in aysan aqbalayn, in…

Ka Badan 100 ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab oo lagu dilay howlgal ka dhacay gobolka Mudug

Khamiis, April, 25, 2024 (AX) - Xukumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya ayaa Sharaaxdey ka bixisay howlgal culus oo maanta oa dhacay dhulka howdka ah ee ku yaala deegaanka Tabar mooge oo qiyaas ahaan 28 KM dhanka Waqooyi kaga beegan degmada Xarardheere ee gobolka Mudug. Warsaxafadeed kasoo baxay Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Soomaaliya lagu sheegay in howlgalka oo ay iska kaashadeen ciidanka dowladda iyo kuwa saaxiibada Caalamka lagu dilay in ka badan 70 xubnood oo ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab oo isku aruursanaayay deegaankaas.…

Mali: Northern rebels establish Strategic Framework

The Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security, and Development (CSP-PSD) transforms into the Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-DPA). It will be led by the head of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), a Northern armed group member of this coalition, Bilal Ag Acherif. This name change also aligns with a redefinition of goals.

Floods in the Eastern region of Kenya and Nairobi result in many casualties

A recent report from the Kenyan Red Cross stated that 38 people died due to severe flooding. Approximately 30,000 individuals were forced to evacuate as a result. These extreme weather conditions were caused by El Niño, a climatic phenomenon originating from the Pacific Ocean occurring every six or seven years. The floods primarily impacted eastern Kenya, including the capital city of Nairobi.

Somalia: Somali National Army kills more than 30 Al-Shabaab fighters

In central Somalia, the Somali National Army (SNA) successfully eradicated more than 30 Al-Shabaab militants. The operation marked a significant blow to the terrorist group, as the Somali government intensifies efforts to eliminate their presence in the region. Over the past year and a half, concerted efforts have been made to combat Al-Shabaab in central and southern Somalia. The collaboration between Somali forces, the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), and the US Africa Command has been crucial in…

Challenging to understand: The negative aspects of cashew nut cultivation in Kenya in English

The global demand for cashew nuts is rapidly increasing. Cashews are consumed worldwide as snacks, dairy alternatives, and ingredients in cooking. Kenya is making efforts to revive the cashew nut industry in the Kilifi coastal region, once a major producer. However, some women in certain factories are exposed to hazardous working conditions. Olivia Bizot, our correspondent, has more details on the situation.

TPLF: No intentions to merge with Prosperity Party

TPLF Denies Rumors of Joining Prosperity Party in Ethiopia In a statement, TPLF refuted claims of merging with the ruling party, Prosperity Party, amidst ongoing talks aimed at enhancing stability and security. Despite recent discussions between the two parties, TPLF emphasized their differences in ideologies and goals, asserting that reports of a potential merger are false. The dialogue between TPLF and Prosperity Party has focused on building upon existing peace agreements rather than merging into a single entity. The…

Mali: Extending the Transition Period, Unspoken Goal of the Government

The national phase of inter-Malian dialogue, set to wrap up proceedings, will take place in Bamako from May 6 to May 10, 2024. This dialogue is portrayed by Malian authorities as a domestic substitute for the 2015 peace agreement, struck with Northern rebel groups. Yet, the organization of this dialogue - from which Malian rebel or jihadist groups are excluded - appears to gradually unveil another aim: the extension of the transition period.

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