Somalia’s newly appointed ambassador to Turkey seeks to enhance mutual security and commerce relations.

Before leaving, Ambassador Ospite discussed strengthening ties with his Turkish counterpart in Mogadishu, Ambassador Alper Aktas. Their talks centered on boosting security and trade relations. "We talked about improving our ties, focusing on security and trade," Ambassador Ospite remarked.Appointment of Ambassador Ospite is part of Somalia's broader diplomatic push, with ten new ambassadors being deployed worldwide this year.Enhancing Defence Relations Amid Rising Regional TensionsThis diplomatic exchange coincides with a…

Somalia urges quick resolution of tribal conflicts in South West

Aliyow passionately urged the communities to prioritize peace, highlighting the interconnectedness of their fates. He stressed that coexistence was not a mere whim but a divine decree. He implored them to end the strife, revere God, and embrace harmony. The astute in their midst should champion peace and discourage conflict. Aliyow further expressed his ministry's willingness to work with the Minister of Transport to help resolve the escalating disputes. The relentless tribal battles have not only disrupted the regions but…

Galmudug oo sheegtay in kooxda Al-shabaab gabaabsi ku tahay deegaanadeeda

 Arbaco, April, 17, 2024 (AX) - Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta maamulka Galmudug Abshir Cabdi Shiiqow ayaa sheegay in kooxda Al-shabaab ay haatan gabaabsi ku yihiin deegaanada dowlad goboleedka Galmudug.Wasiir Shiiqoow ayaa sheegay in maamulka Galmudug uu juhdi badan ku bixiyay sidii deegaanada maamulka looga xureyn lahaa maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab ee mudo ka badan 10 sano dhibaatada ku haayay shacabka ku nool Galmudug."Kooxda Khawaariijta hada waa laga saaray inta badan deegaanada dowlada Galmudug, kadib markii shacabka…

Midowga Yurub oo ansixiyay $116.9m si kor loogu qaado ammaanka Soomaaliya

 Khamiis, April, 18, 2024 (AX) - Midowga Yurub ayaa ansixiyay $74.4 milyan oo dollar oo loogu talo galay qarashka ku baxaya wareejinta mas'uuliyadda amniga ee ciidamada ATMIS oo Soomaaliya ka baxaya dhammaadka sanadkan 2024.Sidoo kale, Midowga Yurub ayaa sheegay inuu $42.5 milyan ku taageeri doono ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed, si ay awood ugu yeeshaan la wareegidda masuuliyadda amni ee dalkooda.Sannadkii 2023-kii, howgalka ATMIS ayaa bilaabay inuu ciidamadiisa kala baxo Soomaaliya, iyadoo loo hoggaansamayo Qaraarka…

Israa’iil oo weerar Gantaalo ah ku qaaday gudaha dalka Iiraan

 Jimco, April, 19, 2024 (AX) - Wararka ka imaanaya Bariga dhexe ayaa sheegaya in Israa'iil aroornimadii hore ee saakay weerar ay u adeegsatay Gantaalada ridada dheer iney ku qaaday dalka Iiraan.Israa'iil ayaa weerarka Gantaalada ah ku qaaday goobo bartilmaameedyo u ahaa oo ku yaala gudaha dalkaasi Iiraan.Wararka soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in jugta qarax weyn laga maqlay gobolka Isfahan oo ay ku yaalaan goobo muhim ah oo kala ah saldhig weyn oo dhanka cirka ah, goob lagu sameeyo Gantaalada iyo goobo kale oo ay ku jiraan…

Xukuumadda Fedaraalka oo ku baaqday in deg deg loo joojiyo dagaal beeleedyada ka socda Koonfur Galbeed

 Jimco, April, 19, 2024 (AX) - Wasiiru dowlaha Wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Saadaad Caliyow ayaa ku baaqay in deg deg loo joojiyo dagaal beeleedyo ka socda degmooyin badan oo ka tirsan maamulka Koonfur Galbeed.Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in dagaal beeleedyada ka jira degmooyinka kala ah Buurhakaba, Diinsoor, Baraawe, Wanlaweyn iyo Qoryooleey iney geysteen khaaaare badan oo isugu dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac iyo burbur hantiyadeed, wuxuuna dalbaday in la joojiyo daadashada dhiiga dadka walaalaha ee…

Somali President leads security meeting in Mogadishu following US terror warning

President Hassan chaired intensive security meet in Mogadishu aiming to prevent Al-Shabaab attacks in the city. Despite US embassy alert, no attacks yet. President shares strategies and checks security preparedness in Mogadishu, top officials join discussions on combating organized crime and al-Shabaab threats, UK donates funds to support Somali forces. President declares war on al-Shabaab, significant progress made in combating terror activities.

Ethiopian citizens detained in Somalia

Ethiopian citizens arrested in Somalia for human trafficking in breakaway region of North Western of Somalia. Approximately 170 suspects were apprehended by the North Western of Somalia Coast Guard for smuggling victims towards Yemen without authorization, sparking tension in the area. Somali officials accuse Ethiopia of land violation, adding to the political dispute between the nations. The international community urges diplomatic resolution as tensions rise in the region. Ethiopia seeks naval base access in exchange…

Horjoogayaal iyo maleeshiyaad ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab oo lagu dilay Jubba Hoose

 Jimco, April, 19, 2024 (AX) - Ciidamada dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Kumaandooska Danab, Ururka 162-aad iyo ciidanka Nabadsugida Jubbaland ayaa deegaano hoostaga degmada Jamaame ka fuliyay howlgal khasaare badan lagu gaarsiiyay kooxda Al-shabaab.Howlgalka ayaa ciidamada waxay ka fuliyeen deegaano dhowr ah oo ku yaala jiinka wabiga Jubba, kuwaas oo kala ah Jiimay, Bangeeni iyo Bandar jadiid oo dhamaantood hoostaga degmada Jamaame ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose.War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay dowladda Fedaraalka ayaa…

Israel launches missile attack on Iran, as tensions rise and both countries issue warnings to each other.

Reports from sources in the United States indicated that Israel launched a missile strike in Iran, leading to rising tensions between the two nations. American broadcasters like ABC, CBS, and NPR shared this information but did not disclose specific details about the attack's location or targets. After the news surfaced, a representative from the Israeli military declined to confirm the reports from American media outlets when asked by VOA. In reaction, Iran activated its air defenses in various regions, as reported by the…

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