against the restoration of diplomatic relations with Israel

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hinted on Wednesday, October 21, that Washington is demanding the removal of Sudan from the list of countries that support terrorism in order to normalize its relations with Israel. The US presidential election is approaching and the Trump administration is busy achieving its goals. Khartoum remains officially silent at the moment, and the topic is shared by the transition leaders.

Discreetly and until late last night, the Sudanese Sovereign Council held a very tense meeting to discuss normalization with Israel, a demand that Washington strongly demanded. This council is strongly divided on this issue: on the one hand we find council soldiers traditionally linked to the Emirates who encourage this normalization, on the other hand civilians led by Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok who prefer to separate two issues: repeal of Sudan from the blacklist and the issue of normalization with Israel

If one is to believe the Israeli press, it would be the military that won. This press mentions a normalization before the end of the week.

$ 3 billion in debt

On Thursday, an Israeli official revealed that a plane connecting Tel Aviv directly to Khartoum arrived in Sudan on Wednesday with a government delegation and members of Mossad on board. They are said to have discussed future diplomatic relations between the two countries. In addition, a telephone interview would have brought together the US president and the two prime ministers of Sudan and Israel on Wednesday around this issue.

The United States is now awaiting an official announcement from Karthoum. It would then be accompanied by a withdrawal of Sudan from the list of countries that support terrorism, and therefore from the list of countries where Americans are banned from visiting. It would also facilitate U.S. private investment in the country and help wipe out a $ 3 billion debt slate and increase U.S. aid.


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