new jihadist attack and insecurity

In Niger, jihadists have killed again in the northern part of the Tillabéry region. Nineteen villagers were killed on the evening of Saturday, April 17, while burying one of their own. The attackers, who arrived by motorcycle, then set off in a northerly direction, in the Anzourou zone, which borders Mali. For some time, insecurity has increased in this area, where dozens of civilians have been killed in less than a month.

as reported from Niamey, Moussa Kaka

It was shortly before Ramadan fasting broke, at dusk, that the village of Gaygorou was targeted at armed attackers who came on motorcycles.

The victims gathered for an old man to be buried in the village cemetery when they were killed beautifully. These victims, who were already in mourning, did not suspect anything until the jihadists broke in. All were buried in the same cemetery on Saturday night.

According to a security source, the jihadists fled in the direction of the Anzourou area with the arrival of a military patrol in the village, which according to the same source would have limited the massacre in Gaygorou.

It is a traumatized population that the delegations from the interior ministers, the defense and the governor of Tillabéry have met.

“There is no valid reason for this murderous invasion of this village where sedentary and nomadic peoples live in perfect harmony on the Niger River,” Tillabéry Governor Tidjani Katchala explained.

To calm these populations, a division of special forces from Operation Almahaoucampe near the village.

For some time, several dozen villagers have been massacred by jihadist groups. But according to specialists in the fight against terrorism in Niamey, uncertainty is rising from Ayorou to Tillia, in the northern region of Tahoua where it is concerned. According to the same sources, weapons are smuggled almost every day in this area.

Read also: Niger: new terrorist attack in the Tillabéry region


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