Ku dhowaad 100 ruux oo hal maalin ku geeriyootay

Gaarisa (Axadle) – Magaalada Gaarisa ee gobolka Waqooyi Bari ayaa waxaa haatan fara ba’an ku haya cudurka saf-marka ah ee Covid-19, kaas oo markale ka dilaacay dalka Kenya, waxaana sii kordhaya dadka uu soo ridanayo xanuunka & kuwa u dhimanayo. Saraakiisha caasimaadka ee gobolka jooga ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in 24-kii saac ee la soo dhaafay ay dhimashadu gaartay ku dhowaad 100 ruux oo u geeriyooay cudurka Covid-19, kuwaas oo ay ku jiraan caruur…

Ciidamada ammaanka oo rag hubeysan ku qabtay

Muqdisho (Axadle) -Ciidamada ammaanka ee Booliska Soomaaliyeed iyo maamulka degmada Yaaqshiid oo iskaashanaya ayaa xalay howl-gal qorsheysan ka sameeyey xaafado ka tirsan degmadaasi, kaas oo lagu xaqiijinayey amniga Yaaqshiid. Saraakiisha horkaceysay howl-galka ayaa sheegay inay ku baxeen kooxo burcad ah oo cabasho ay kasoo gudbiyeen dadka deegaanka, isla-markaana ay gacanta kusoo dhigeen. Ragga la soo qbatay oo afar ah, isla-markaana hubeysnaa…

Africa’s COVID-19 vaccination rate has tripled

African countries were able to triple COVID-19 vaccinations in the past week, but the prospect of inoculating up to 10% of the continent's population by the end of September is still elusive, Africa's head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. At the same time, the continent saw 248,000 new confirmed cases in the past week, with at least 24 countries seeing an increase in infections driven by the delta variant. "This is a tragedy that can be prevented if African countries can get…

The United States is elevating its voice and threatening to exclude the nation

After ten months of battle in Tigray, Washington is once more elevating its tone concerning Addis Ababa. The United States is threatening to take away Ethiopia from its record of privileged buying and selling companions - generally known as Ago - if Ethiopia doesn't finish human rights abuses in that province. A menace with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai in half phrases throughout an interview…

Xuseen Macallin: Amniga Muqdisho waxaa lagu gaaraa

Muqdisho (Axadle) – Xuseen Macalin Maxamuud oo hadda ah madaxa Hay’adda Cilmi baarista ee Hiraal ayaa walaac badan ka muujiyey in amniga Soomaaliya uu kasii dari karo, haddii ay baxaan ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee ku howl-gala magaca AMISOM. Xuseen Macalin ayaa ku doodaya in ciidamada Soomaaliyeed aysan wax badan ka tarin dagaalka Al-Shabaab, islamarkaana ilaa hadda ay ku sugan yihiin keliya inta ay qabteen ciidamada AMISOM. “Magaaladaan (Muqdisho)…

The voice of the NGO Voiceless welcomes the new arrest

Transferred to Kinshasa, Doudou Ngoy Ilunga is heard at the military prosecutor's office. Rostin Manketa, CEO of Voice of the Voiceless, wonders about the resumption of the trial of the alleged murderers of Floribert Chebeya and Fidèle Bazana. Human rights defenders were killed at the police station on June 1, 2010. Their NGO fears possible interventions to prevent the trial from resuming. She also…

Saameynta biyo-xireenka Webiga NILE ee Ethiopia oo

Addis Ababa (Axadle) – Biyo-xireenka weyn ee Ethiopia ay ka sameysay Nile-ka Bulugga ah ayaan sanadkan wax saameyn ah ku yeelan qulqulka biyaha ee Sudan, waxaa sidaas sheegay sarkaal ka tirsan dowladda Sudan. Ethiopia ayaa sanado badan ku bixisay wada-hadallo xasaasi ah oo biyo-xireenka oo ay ku kacday $5 bilyan kala gashay Masar iyo Sudan, oo labaduba uu webiga maro, kana cabsi qaba inay yaaradaan biyaha soo gaara. Hase yeeshee wada-hadallada…

Akoonada wasaarad ka mid ah Puntland oo la xayiray

Garoowe (Axadle) – Waxaa sare usii kacay kiisaska musuq-maasuqa ee maamulka Puntland, kadib markii uu Hanti-dhowrka guud ee maamulkaas uu amray in la xiro akoonada Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland. Qoraal kasoo baxay Hanti-dhowrka guud ee Puntland oo si gaar ah ugu socday Mas’uuliyiinta Bangiga dhexe iyo Bank-yada gaarka loo leeyahay, ayaa lagu wargeliyay in gebi ahaanba la joojiyo lacag ka saarista akoonadaa, ilaa amar dambe. “Waxaa si xushmad…

arrest warrant against opposition activist Sékou

Guinea's justice has issued an international arrest warrant against Sékou Koundouno, an active member of civil society who is also responsible for the planning and strategy of the FNDC, the front that opposed Alpha Condé's third term. He is charged with conspiracy to commit criminal activity, arson, disturbing the state through massacres, destruction and looting, and participation in a rebellious…

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