DAACISH oo weerar ku dishay mas’uul ka tirsanaa

Boosaaso (Axadle) – Faah faahino dheeraad ah ayaa waxaa laga helayaa weerar qorsheysan oo ay xalay dabley ka tirsan kooxda Daacish ka fuliyeen qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Bari, kaas oo lagu dilay mas’uul sare oo ka tirsan dowlad goboleedka Puntland. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in mas’uulka lagu dilay weerarka uu ahaa guddoomiyihii degmada Balli-Dhidin ee gobolka Bari, kaas oo ay khaarijiyeen xubno ka tirsan kooxda Daacish. Marxuumka ayaa waxaa lagu…

Rumor has it: Madrid don’t give up on Mbappe, Man Utd eyeing Monaco midfielder

Kylian Mbappe's future continues to grab the headlines. The Paris Saint-Germain striker is at the end of his contract at the end of 2021-22 and is not about to re-sign in the French capital. Real Madrid would remain hopeful of securing their services before the end of the transfer window. TOP STORY - MADRID ALWAYS DREAMS OF MBAPPE Real Madrid have not given up on signing Kylian Mbappe from Paris Saint-Germain, according to the Diario AS front page on Thursday. Mbappe is in the final year of his contract with PSG and…

Maxaa keenay dib u dhaca ku yimid shirka golaha

Muqdisho (Axadle) – Magaalada Muqdisho ee Axadle Soomaaliya waxaa qorshuhu ahaa in maanta oo ku beegan 19-ka August ka furmo shirka golaha wada-tashiga qaran, kaas oo u dhexeeya dowladda dhexe, dowlad goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir. Dib u dhaca ayaa waxaa lagu soo warramayaa inuu sababay safarka ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya uu ku aaday dalka Masar oo uu illaa hadda iyo ku maqan yahay. Sidoo kale waxaa weli Axadle soo gaarin madaxda kale ee…

After the battle, ISIS captured a key area in the northeastern state of Somalia

Northeastern State - In what may be the first major attack on the Somali authorities, ISSomalia extremists captured a strategicallyimportantcity inthe north-eastof the state on Wednesday, a move that could spark bitter fighting with security forces in the region known for peace and stability. Somali extremists have captured the city of Balidhidin in the Bari region, making it the first city to fall into the hands of militants whose presence in the north-east of the state has increased according to analysts. Most of the…

Extremists kill 47 in Burkina Faso in 3rd major

Burkina Faso's president declared three days of national mourning on Thursday after suspected extremists killed 47 people, including 30 civilians, in an attack in the north of the country. The attack was the latest bloodbath in an area affected by violence. The attack on Wednesday near the town of Gorgadji also left 14 soldiers and three militia volunteers dead, the Ministry of Communications said. The soldiers and the militia had "guarded civilians heading towards Arbinda", another city in northern…

Turkey offers to mediate between Ethiopia, Sudan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Wednesday that Turkey is willing to mediate between Ethiopia and Sudan to resolve a border dispute and to find a peaceful solution to the Tigray conflict in Ethiopia, which has displaced tens of thousands and left millions hungry. Erdoğan spoke at a joint press conference with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The visit comes amid a widening of the Tigray conflict, which began in November following a political fallout between Abiy and the leaders of the Tigray…

Biden oo si lama filaan ah u sheegay in Mareykanka

Washington (Axadle) – Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Joe Biden ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Mareykanka ay sii joogi karaan wixii ka dambeeya 31-ka August, oo ah waqtiga kama dambeysta ah ee ay qabsadeen inay uga baxaan, haddii ay lagama maarmaan u noqoto in dhammaan dadka Mareykanka laga soo saaro dalkaas. “Dadka Mareykanka waa inay fahmaan inaan isku dayi dooonno inaan soo dhameystirno kahor 31-ka August. Haddii ay muwaadiniin Mareykan ah ay baaqi kusii…

Sahel: “Jihadist groups do not have the same capacity

The Sahelian countries, affected by the jihadist phenomenon, are closely following the situation and recent events in Afghanistan, where the Taliban took control last weekend. Part of the population fears that the Afghan scenario will be repeated in their own country. However, the two situations are different, although there are also points of convergence. As? We've talking about it this morning with Jean-Hervé Jézéquel, Head of the Sahel Project at the International Crisis Group (ICG). He is a guest of Magali Lagrange.…

Erdogan oo soo faro-geliyey dagaalka Tigray –

Ankara (Axadle) – Madaxweynaha Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan ayaa Arbacadii yaboohay inuu gacan ka gaysto inuu dhex-dhexaadiyo sidii loo soo geba-gebeyn lahaa dagaalka gobolka Tigray ee waqooyiga Ethiopia. Erdogan ayaa u sheegay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed oo booqasho ku tegay Ankara “inay muhiim u tahay nabadda iyo sharafta” dalka ay dagaallada la degeen ee Ethiopia. “Haddii ay xaaladda sii xumaato, waxay saameyneysaa dhammaan dalalka…

Madaxweyne Musaveni oo qirtay in askartiisa ay

Kampala (Axadle) – Madaxweynaha dalka Uganda, Yoweri Musaveni ayaa markii u horeysay qirtay in askartooda howl-galka AMISOM u jooga Soomaaliya ay dhawaan dad rayid ah ku dileen gudaha Shabeellaha Hoose. Musavani ayaa sheegay in ciidamadu ay dilka geysteen xili ay careysnaayeen, isagoona shaaciyey in la xiray askartii dilka geysatay, islamarkaana dacwad lagu soo oogi doono, sida uu sheegay. “Dhawaan waxaa na soo gaaray kiis la xirriira dil…

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