France suspends military operations

France has temporarily suspended joint military operations with the Malian forces, we were told on Thursday 3 June by the French Ministry of Defense and specified that this decision was linked to the political transition taking place in Mali and that it will be reconsidered in the coming days. "Requirements and red lines have…

Alongside Jean Castex, the head of government

Tunisia "must continue the reforms", is what Jean Castex called during his visit to Tunis on Thursday 3 June. The French Prime Minister spent 24 hours there. He promised to support the efforts of the Tunisian authorities as the country faces a triple crisis: health and political and economic. As the summer season approaches, Tunisia hopes to find tourists, especially the French. But Jean Castex…

Xog: Duulimaadyadii ay xayirtay Kenya ee Soomaaliya oo xeela…

Muqdisho (Axadle) – Waxaa hakad galay isku socodkii Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, tan iyo markii ay dowladda Kenya xayiraad ku soo rogtay duulimaadyadii iskaga kala gooshi jirey labad dal. Go’aanka Kenya ay ku xayirtay duulimaadyada ayaa waxa uu go’doon geliyay dad badan oo ku kala sugnaa magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Nairobi, oo rabay inay u kala safraan, balse maalmo kadib waxaa soo baxday xeelad cusub oo looga gudbay xayiraadaas. Sida ay ogaatay Axadle,…

Brielle Biermann reveals exactly how she lost weight in the new

Brielle Biermann lost just a few pounds, and she shares the secrets of her weight loss with her followers on Instagram. IN a new bikini photo Biermann says she has used Modere Trim supplements to help her lose pounds. But it's not the only way Biermann shakes up her diet when she wants to lose weight. During a 2020 Q&A session shared on her Instagram stories, Brielle revealed that time-limited eating and enabling some indulgences had been crucial to…

Cristiano Ronaldo Oo Maanta Go’aan Laga Gaadhayo Mustaqbalkiisa

Kooxda kubadda cagta Juventus ayaa maanta go’aan ka gaadhaysa mustaqbalka xiddiga reer Portugal ee Cristiano Ronaldo, kaas oo la rumaysan yahay in tababare Massimiliano Allegri aanu ugu jirin qorshaha.Warbaahinta ayaa xaqiijisay in maanta oo Khamiis ahayd ay Allegri iyo maamulka kooxdu shir ka yeesheen arrimaha suuqa ee kooxda oo uu liiska kaalinta ugu sarreeyo kaga jiro Cristiano Ronaldo iyo waxa laga yeelayo.Juventus oo toddobaadkii hore shaqada ka caydhisay Andrea Pirlo kaddib markii ay kaalinta afraad kaga dhamaysatay…

RASMI: UEFA Oo U Quus-goysay Waddanka Turkey Oo Hore Loogu Sasabay In

Xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Yurub ee UEFA ayaa shaacisay halka lagu ciyaari doono kulanka UEFA Super League ee Chelsea iyo Villarreal, kaas oo la filayay in laga beddelo Belfast oo hore loogu qoondeeyey, lana geynayo waddanka Turkey oo laga soo raray finalkii Champions League ee ay ahayd in lagu qabto magaalada Istanbul.Manchester City iyo Chelsea ayaa helay fursad loogu soo dhoweeyey kulankii finalka ee dhamaadka Sabtidii hore oo lagu qabtay Porto kaddib markii uu Ingiriisku liiska cas ku daray Turkey, taas oo keentay in laga…

DF oo 10-bil mushaarka ka haysata shaqaale ay kala soo waree…

Muqdisho (Axadle) – Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa muddo ku siman 10 billood aan siin mushaharkii ay xaqa u lahaayeen shaqaale ka howl-gali jiray gegada diyaaradaha magaalada Hargeysa ee Cigaal, kuwaasi oo ay kal hore la soo wareegtay. Sida ku cad cadeymo ay aragtay Axadle, Shaqaalaha ayaa mudadaas la meer-meerinayay, ayada oo dowladda u ballan-qaaday in mushaharkooda heli doonaan marka laga baxo xayiraadihii Coronavirus, balse la ceyriyay…

Wilfried Zaha Oo Ka Farxiyey Kooxaha Premier League Xilli Uu Kooxdiisa

Wilfried Zaha ayaa markii labaad u sheegay kooxdiisa Crystal Palace in uu ka tegi doono xagaagan ka hor inta aanay bilaabmin kulamada saaxiibtinimo ee ay naadiyadu iskugu diyaarinayaan xilli ciyaareedka dambe.Weeraryahanka reer Ivory Coast ayaa sannadihii ugu dambeeyey ba lala xidhiidhinayay in uu ka tegayo Selhurst Park, laakiin waxa dhibaato ku noqotay naadiyada damacu ka hayay lacagta ay kooxdiisu ku xidhay iibkiisa oo ahayd £100 milyan oo Gini.Sannadkii 2019 ayey kooxaha Arsenal iyo Everton u dhowaadeen in ay la…

“Bachelor” star Catherine Giudici reveals the exact diet

Former Bachelor star Catherine Giudici has undergone an extensive weight loss transformation in recent months, and has shed as much as 25 pounds after gaining weight among the pandemics. However, the TV personality has not taken any drastic measures to achieve her weight loss - instead, she has made some small changes that have helped her achieve great results. Read on to discover the exact plan that Giudici has followed to reduce. And for more celebrity…

Denmark adopts a law to transfer its

The Danish parliament passed a law on Thursday 3 June that makes it possible to move asylum seekers from Europe as soon as they set foot on Danish soil. The Social Democrat Mette Frederiksen has made a transfer of asylum requests, which all European right-wingers dream of. Theoretically, all asylum seekers arriving in Denmark will be immediately put on a plane to Rwanda, Eritrea or any other third country that has agreed to process their request, of course for a fee. If it is accepted, the refugee is not even sure of…

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